Christianity has been the dominant religion in Ireland since the 5th century. However today there are far too few gospel-centered churches in this country

Irish Church Missions is committed to changing this. Our workers like Jenny and Davood are sharing Jesus and planting new churches
across Dublin


Do you want to join a movement of mission-loving Christians committed to sharing the gospel in Ireland?

We’re raising up a movement of men and women who are prepared to risk it all to see Him proclaimed in every community.


From a growing body of first hand knowledge and experience, we are happy to provide consultancy clinics for those exploring church planting in Ireland. Get in touch with us to arrange a date and time.


It's a joy to partner with others in the country who share similar convictions and passions. We are delighted to provide catalyst opportunities for your church planting plans. Incubate within one of our existing ministries and prepare thoroughly before you launch

Ireland still needs the gospel faithfully proclaimed and lived out by God’s forgiven people. There could be nothing more exciting than planting the gospel to grow the church. If you’ve got church planting plans for Ireland, join us as we seek to raise up a movement to reach the island for Christ.

Church Plant

Become a church planter.
Explore the call to church planting with us.

Pray with us. Join us in praying for the advance of the gospel.

Give a gift. Help us pioneer more churches through monthly giving.

Donate Today

Your gift today will enable our workers to strengthen new churches and to continue to share the gospel with more local people. Thank you!