Impact lives with the gospel in Ireland every day!
Your decision to give regularly to ICM can be a catalyst for change in countless lives.
Your monthly gift will enable us to launch new outreach initiatives, plant new churches, and disciple new believers who can share the gospel with their friends and families.
Join us in this mission as a regular giving partner today.
Thank you!
Join with 400 others in giving €/£5 a week, and help us reach Ireland with the gospel.
As we look to the future, we are convinced more than ever before that the good news of Jesus risen from the dead needs to be understood by all people. The frailty of our lives has perhaps never been so present and obvious for so many. In the face of such uncertainties only the glorious gospel of God can bring an unshakable hope.
That’s why we’re looking for 400 people to play their part in reaching Ireland with the gospel through regular financial giving. We know that in these uncertain times, we are all going to be more stretched, but by setting aside a small amount for our work you can play your part in defining the future ministry of ICM.
With your continued support we prayerfully want to grow existing churches and evangelise new ones into existence for the glory of Jesus’ name today.
Thank you.
Your partnership so far: