Our Work
Beginning with the prayerful ambition to plant 10 churches in Dublin by 2028, we’re seeking to catalyse a wave of evangelism and church planting across Ireland. It’s only with your support that we can do this.
Why Dublin?
Government research suggests by 2031, over 40% of the population of the Republic of Ireland will be living in the greater Dublin area.
Many multinationals continue to use Dublin as a hub from which they can reach not only Europe, but also the Middle East, India and beyond. From a church planting view, Dublin represents a global centre from which the gospel might reach the world.
At the same time, evangelical churches across the denominational spectrum continue to fall behind the curve of rising secularism. For many modern Irish people the church’s message has been silenced largely by its own actions. Unsurprisingly, recent figures show that the fastest growing religion amongst the new generation is ‘no religion at all. This is a great challenge but also a great reason to raise up a new generation of church planters.
Our vision:
10 churches by 2028
We are prayerfully seeking to reach this growing city by planting 10 churches by 2028, so that Dublin, Ireland and indeed the entire world might be renewed by the gospel.
How we work
ICM is growing a family of church planters and church-planting churches that exists to bring glory to God and blessing to the peoples of Ireland today.
Our church planting strategy is grounded in the following three models:
Pioneer Planting
In this model we’re attempting to create a new church out of nothing. Pioneering church planting involves recruiting, deploying and supporting a more entrepreneurially gifted planter. Ordinarily he gathers a launch team from scratch through contact with both Christians and non-Christians. He does this in order to reach a particular community with the gospel.
Congregational Planting
Congregational planting happens ideally when one church identifies, trains and sends out a team from their church family to establish a new work in a new location. Often this church is launched in a different area of a city or region, although sometimes such new congregational services happen within the same church.
& Revitalising Existing Churches
In this model we look to create a new church out of an old church. This typically involves the careful injection of resources, people and new leadership into the current situation in order to write a new chapter in the church’s history.