Get involved
Play your part in seeing Ireland reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ through prayer, church planting and volunteering.
Pray with us
Passionate prayer is the engine-room of effective mission. Read our prayer updates to join us in praying for the advance of the gospel across Ireland and beyond, and sign up for our newsletter to get them delivered directly to your inbox.
Join with Cameron Jones as he looks back with great gratefulness for the gospel ministry God is enabling through the Dublin Bible Talks.
Join David Martin as he reflects on the last half of 2024 and join those in CCND praising God for the glorious gospel they are sharing about Jesus Christ with those in north Dublin
Join with Davood Mamoodnehdz as he reflects of God’s mighty work in the lives of Iranians in Dublin, through the ministry of the Iranian Gospel Church Dublin.
Pray with Mark Smith as he reflects on the goodness of God over the last year in City Church Dublin
Join Kieron Lynch as he reflects and prays about 2024 and for the work of God in Immanuel Church Dublin
Join Us as a new worker in the city of Dublin to be built-up, equipped and sent out with the confidence to live Christianly in the work place
If you’re a student moving to Dublin in Sept, come along to one of our churches. We will together learn how to make much of Jesus
If you are in Dublin or moving to Dublin to be involved in Christian ministry and outreach, join one of our churches to be built up and equipped for your ministry
Looking into 2023 there are many challenges to face as we continue to plan, pray and strive for growth and health in our member churches; to strategize for the future of ICM; to seek and train up new church planters; and to fund raise for the renovation of our building on Bachelor’s Walk in Dublin. Your prayers for all these matters would be deeply appreciated.
We remain convinced that we have a great opportunity to reach the island of Ireland with the gospel. This is our single priority today and we are so thankful for your continued partnership in this.
Plant with us
If we are to start 10 new churches in Dublin by 2028, the most obvious need is people!
If you’re interested in finding out more about church planting with us, we’d love to start the conversation with you! Email us to find out more:
Run, cycle, bake, or skydive – you can play a part in helping see more churches planted and leaders raised up.
Get in touch if you have a fundraising idea, or want some inspiration: