Project 28BW

Building for the future of church planting in Ireland. Will you help us play our part in realising a sustainable, strong and innovative base for church planters in the future right in the heart of Dublin’s city centre ?

Could you be part of realising the vision of Project 28BW by providing funds that will catalyse our refurbishment project? Your impact today could have eternal significance for many in Ireland.

Our next phase of fundraising is under way


  • The short answer is ‘yes’. However, this answer was not arrived at quickly. As a mission agency we believe we can contribute to the health of evangelical Anglican churches all across Ireland. We want to both start and strengthen such churches. In order to do so, having a strong, sustainable financial base, as well as a versatile and innovative resource for training and accommodating various churches is critical. Simply put Project 28BW enables all of this to happen. And it provides for all of this in one of the most strategically central locations that Dublin has to offer.

  • We have been greatly helped in our thinking by our architect who understands that the restoration of an old facility is underpinned by Christian convictions. These convictions flow out of an understanding that we have a duty to care for and repurpose existing resources, to steward well the assets we have been given along with caring for the well being of the city.

    From another point of view, the building offers more diversity than other equivalent priced premises, allowing for accommodation along with ministry space in the city centre.

    There really is nowhere else equivalent with such a strategic location that could provide such potential for generating future funds and ministry opportunities.

  • There are some indications that the cost to building may be coming down after recent increases. As far as we know in Ireland this is partly true. Steal prices do seem to be coming down. However, this does not apply to all of the recent increases. In fact in Ireland many of the increases related to labour and supplies are likely to hold at their present prices.

    We realise that this is a challenging time for us all. The cost to the project has almost tripled since we first started the process. In another sense it provides a wonderful opportunity to (re)consider the importance we place on the gospel and to lay up treasure in heaven by using the earthly gifts our loving father has given to us.

  • Project 28BW would re-instate or indeed open up for the first time 215sq meters (or 2,313sq ft) which amounts to roughly 30% of the entire property.

  • It has taken nearly 4 years to reach this stage. But a lot of the complicated work has already been completed. From the moment the first hammer is lifted to final completion is likely to be 1 year.

  • The best way to tackle the refurbishment is to approach it as one complete job. This actually cuts costs when engaging builders. However, the manner in which the project is delivered can be broken into phases. Potentially therefore, the churches will be required to rent other spaces during the refurbishment, but efforts will be made to reduce this to perhaps a 6 month period, rather than a full year.

  • We would be very happy to talk further with anyone who would like to offer financial help in realising this project. However as you might appreciate our preference would be for gifts and donations over and against loans.

    We have already explored loans from banks, however they are reticent in providing loans to a charity that depends on raising funds and must dig into its investments each year.

    Others have offered personal interest-free loans, which is very very generous.

    Our preference for gifts however is not just about being loan free. It speaks to the very vision of ICM itself. Put simply, loans will make this project about the building (at least until they are paid off). Gifts on the other hand, make the building all about people and the gospel. This is so much more preferable from our point of view.

  • The potential return is upwards of €110K per annum.

    This would allow us to be much bolder in moving our plans forward to sending out only those who are willing to sacrifice all for the sake of the gospel.

Update: November 2023

We’ve managed to begin our refurbishment with some comprehensive improvements to the outside of the building and all 33 windows throughout the building. Our fire certificate has been produced so we now have nothing holding us back except a huge mountain to climb in terms of funding. If you can help please do get in touch. Watch to find out more.

To view/download our building brochure click here

Update: April 2022

For a full up to date summary of where our plans are at just click through on the opposite image. We’re about to begin some extensive work on the front of the building and also renovate all windows in the building. This pre-renovation work is aimed at conserving and restoring many of the original features of the building. We are planning for the major renovations to follow after these.

Update: October 2021

We’ve got full planning approval and have been encouraged by one recent significant donation. The overall cost however has increased since first launching the project. This is due to a significant rise in the cost of materials, but despite this we are still so encouraged by your response. Keep praying and inviting others to join us in this project.

Welcome to Project 28BW: June 2021

Watch as Rev’d David Martin introduces our project to build for the future of church planting in Ireland today. You’ll get a tour of our city centre premises, learn more of the long term impact this refurb could have and discover the vision behind it all.