Sillcon Docks Project Dublin

Rev. Cameron Jones is an pioneer evangelist for ICM, who leads the Dublin Bible Talks (Silicon Docks Project). Dublin Bible Talks give Christian workers a way of standing out as Christians (just by coming along), something to invite colleagues to come to, a way of growing in their faith during the working week, and a way to encourage their gospel ministry in ways appropriate to the workplace. This work is primarily focussed toward believers to help them:

  • Stand Out: a simple way of publicly identifying as a Christian.

  • Invite: the talks are public and free, a way of introducing colleagues to what the Bible teaches about Jesus.

  • Grow: the message of Jesus saves, and also forges us for our life and work as God’s people.

  • Share: learning from scripture equips people to speak faithfully of Christ to colleagues.

This project is led by Cameron Jones, who is married to Alex.


Christ Church North Dublin