Prayer through April-June

3-9 April

Immanuel Church Dublin

Pray for Immanuel Church Dublin as we rebuild community post pandemic. Many families and individuals have moved on in the past two years, for reasons related to the pandemic and work. Ask that they would remain established in the faith and that God would mightily sustain us as we seek to reach out with the good news of Jesus in Dublin’s city centre.

As part of this we are again serving tea and coffee and having meals together after the service. Pray these times will deepen existing relationships and prove an opportunity to introduce others to Jesus.

10-16 April

Davood and Jenny

Davood and Jenny have recently engaged with Acts29’s assessment process for church planting. They are well equipped in assessing, coaching and training church planters from around the globe. Pray that it will be clarifying for Davood and Jenny as they plant among an ethnic minority in Dublin and for diversifying network support for their work.

17-23 April

Easter & Rest

Christ is risen, hallelujah! Praise God for the message of the cross and resurrection, which fuels our ministry here in ICM. Please also pray for Mark, Philippa and the family as they take a sabbatical beginning this week that it would be a time of refreshing and renewal for them physically and spiritually.

24-30 April


Over the last number of years we have enjoyed a small increase in the number of people who are giving financially to our newest ministries. Praise God for this and ask for a continued multiplication of regular donors. We have also undertaken a major building refurbishment. The costs to this continue to spiral amid world crisis. It would release another new funding resource, but needs considerable seed funding. Praise God for those donors who have given significantly already and pray for new donors to catch the vision.

1-7 May

Immanuel Church Dublin

Pray for Immanuel Church Dublin - “Church Day Away” planned for Saturday 14th May in Shankill. Pray this will further our desire to grow in getting alongside one another with the gospel. Ask for meaningful relationships to grow among us and that through these the gospel might shine, drawing others to see the priceless jewel that having Jesus really is.

8-14 May


Ruth Bridcut has left her role as women’s worker. We have welcomed Nicole Thompson to replace Olive Stewart as Administration Coordinator. Pray for all the adjustments needed and for grassroots involvement to multiply in our various churches. At the same time we are actively beginning to recruit for new church planters. Please pray for suitable candidates to begin the process and for good structures to be in place in order to properly train and support these planters and their families. They will need rigorous theological equipping, an entrepreneurial gifting, great stamina and courage, as well as a joy in believing that transcends all understanding.

15-21 May

City Church Dublin

This week the Acts 29 Church planting network will be meeting in Spain and Mark Smith (City Church) will be attending from Ireland. Please pray that conferences such as this one would galvanise and strengthen the work of church planting across Europe.

22-28 May


Bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to bear on an increasingly secular society can often times seem ineffective, disappointing and worthless. Praise God that he delights to do a secret hidden work and pray for patience, perseverance and great determination for everyone involved in this work in ICM. Plead with our loving Heavenly Father to bear fruit in the lives of the various ministries and ask that God would remember his mercy even in the midst of judgement.

29 May-4 June

ICM Trustees

The trustees of ICM have been faced with many great challenges recently. Pray that in all circumstances they will seek the good of all people today and practice justice, transparency, humility and grace. In such times, pray that they will also seek to continue to advance the gospel for the good of all people too, and face any opposition this might generate with a similar attitude.

5-11 June

Dublin Bible Talks

Give thanks for the small growth of Dublin Bible Talks and the enthusiasm of the members to meet each week–it’s a great encouragement to see people respond to God from His word! Give thanks that some are now inviting their own friends to join. Pray that they will and also respond to God’s invitation to know Him.

Pray for more Christians in Dublin to learn of Dublin Bible Talks and to become involved at Wednesday lunchtimes, and so increase in their love and knowledge of Jesus.

12- 18 June

Christ Church North Dublin

Christ Church North Dublin celebrates its second birthday this month. Praise God for the new people it has reached in north Dublin. There are still scores of thousands who need to hear the good news so pray in particular that CCND can continue to build healthy relationships with like-minded ministries. A big part of their vision is to plant a new church in the coming years. Pray for great courage, wisdom, resources and many sacrificial disciples who will take up the challenge.

19-25 June

City Church Dublin

Later this year City Church is helping to plant Redeemer Church Dublin. Please pray for Duncan, Becky and the launch team as they make preparations for this new work in Churchtown, south Dublin. Duncan is pursuing links with other networks and will be planting with the aim of being incorporated into Baptist missions. Thank God for the opportunity to work ecumenically and ask that as we seek to start and strengthen healthy Anglican evangelical churches we would be an encouragement to all who are seeking to do similar works in their denominations.


The Word in a Ministry


PROJECT 28BW - An Update