Pray for Immanuel Church Dublin

Immanuel is busy again. Though we sent people off to develop new ministries and said goodbye to many core members moving on through the pandemic, our gathering is a buzz once more.

We are meeting new people coming through the doors constantly, some for the weekend, some for months and some considering longer term living in Dublin.

This can be both refreshing and exhausting! Pray for zeal, perseverance and joy to mark us. Pray we make the most of the opportunities this transitional aspect to city centre church represents. Some have never heard the Bible taught consistently before, some are very new to the gospel, some find a reality they’ve not encountered before and a welcoming community that compels them to consider Christ. These are great things!

To capitalize on those opportunities and to speak into the lives of our long term members we need maturity and multilayered involvement at the core of the church community. Pray for mature catalytic Christians who can come alongside the ministry, get stuck in and multiply our reach. 

Pray for the Spirit to be calling us into a deeper love for and experience of the gospel during these often unwieldy summer months!


Pray for Iranian Gospel Church Dublin


Pray for new church planters