Taking the Bible to the Office

In the middle of a busy workday, Dublin Bible Talks offers an oasis of spiritual nourishment and inspiration. These Wednesday lunch-time gatherings are equipping Christian professionals to live out their faith authentically and to share the extraordinary message of Jesus with others.

 Dublin Bible Talks is run by Cameron Jones, originally from Sydney, Australia, and who has made Ireland his home. He has a background in corporate telecommunications and adult education and is an ordained minister with the Church of Ireland (Anglican).

Recently Cameron spoke to Max, one of the participants of Dublin Bible Talks about how this ministry has helped him to take the gospel to his office.

Cameron: How did you start reading the Bible with a colleague who is not a believer?

 Max: I openly share my Christian faith and discuss biblical perspectives on current events. My colleague, intrigued by my calendar event for the Dublin Bible Talks, asked how to learn more about the Bible. Surprisingly, he wanted to explore it himself, so I suggested reading John's gospel together.

 Cameron: What makes you feel qualified for this?

 Max: My only qualification is my love for Jesus and a desire to share the gospel. I'm an everyday Christian. If my colleague asks tough questions, I consult my pastor for answers.

 Cameron: What's your approach during these Bible reading sessions?

 Max: We use a meeting room and the Word One to One app, which breaks down John's gospel into 42 parts with helpful notes. It's a 20–30-minute session, and I also encourage my colleague to study independently.

 Cameron: Any tips for Christians in the workplace?

 Max: Don’t be afraid of asking someone to join you if they want to read the Bible with you. I've been encouraged by how easy it has been to do this. But also, how God's Word is so convincing!

Participants in Dublin Bible Talks meet online via Zoom every Wednesday at 1:00 pm.

Email Cameron at (cameron@irishchurchmissions.ie) if you would like to join in. Also, you can meet with him in person or as part of a small group. Meetings are usually held in a cafe in the Silicon Docks area of Dublin.


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