
Read updates and blog posts from the ICM family.

Tom Olyott Tom Olyott

PROJECT 28BW - An Update

We’re about to begin some extensive work on the front of the building and also renovate all windows in the building. This pre-renovation work is aimed at conserving and restoring many of the original features of the building. We are planning for the major renovations to follow after these.

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Tom Olyott Tom Olyott

The importance of the Ministry of the Word

Why then is the preaching in our churches so often so poor? Because we so easily forget what we have been called to do and what our priorities are. We need to repent where necessary and “Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers” (I Tim.4:16).

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Tom Olyott Tom Olyott

A vision for World Ministry

More than that, I am personally convinced that there is a need for church planting and rejuvenation outside of the existing parochial structures of the Church of Ireland. As far as possible I want to work alongside the existing Anglican structures, but the work needs to continue regardless. As Chairman of ICM I would truly value the prayers of all ICM supporters as we seek to navigate these matters with care, and in a way that brings honour to the Lord Jesus.

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Tom Olyott Tom Olyott

Opening up the Bible when Pastoring through Difficulties

In our seasons of difficulty, in our struggles with sin and suffering, we need each other. Our relationships grow in depth as we ask God and each other for help. The local church becomes the focus. Ephesians 4 moulds our thinking, each one has a role to play. The commands of Scripture come alive: love one another, be kind to one another, forgive one another, bear with one another.

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